Willow Rosenberg

Willow Rosenberg

Alyson Hannigan

Alyson Hannigan was born in Washington D.C. on March 24, 1974. When she was 4, she and her Mother moved to Atlanta. Her mother was a photographer who helped her daughter catch the acting bug. When she would need a model for a job, she would use Alyson. Alyson did some commercials in Altlanta, but when she went to visit her Dad in LA one Christmas he took her around to West Coast agents who said that they would sign her if she lived in LA. When Aly got home to her Mother, Aly was able to convince her Mom to pick up and move across the country. She was 11 when she moved.

Willow Rosenberg

In BTVS Alyson Hannigan plays willow. Willow is the quite, shy, computer nerd in the group. Lots of times she ends up doing other people home work. She is also a witch. She restored Angels soul right before buffy killed him and sent him to hell. She can be rebelious, one time she eat her some of her lunck before it was time for lunch!!!!